Version 1.4.4 released
Version 1.4.4
Version 1.4.4 has been released. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Lots of bug have been fixed along with two new translations.
There is also a couple of new options, spellcheck and bbcodeTrim as well as a new method currentBlockNode().
Full 1.4.4 changelog:
- Fixed height auto expanding when resized.
– Thanks to @TimWardC3 for reporting
- Fixed emoticons with greater than (>) not being converted.
– Thanks to @imansa for reporting.
- Improved emoticonsCompat support so emoticons are converted to text if whitespace is removed.
– Thanks to @ostinelli for reporting
- Fixed bug causing spaces to not be inserted when an emoticon is inserted in emoticonsCompat mode.
– Thanks to @ostinelli for reporting
- Fixed bug with toolbar not being removed by destroy() when in a custom toolbarContainer.
– Thanks to @imansa for reporting.
- Added currentBlockNode() method.
- Improved multiline lists in source mode.
– Thanks to @liamdawe for reporting.
- Improve theme compatibility.
- Fixed issue with iOS not breaking long words.
– Thanks to Francesco for reporting.
- Fixed bug with IE not releasing focus when autoUpdate is enabled.
– Thanks to @LeeMcNeil for reporting.
- Improved IE range handling.
- Fixed IE height bug where blur() method increased the editors height.
- Fixed IE6/7 bug where there was a 2px height difference between WYSIWYG and source modes.
- Fixed new line auto appending after code/quote blocks not working.
– Thanks to @Dr1ks for reporting.
- Fixed issue with Opera adding blank lines.
– Thanks to @Dr1ks for reporting.
- Improved unlink to remove links without selecing the whole link.
– Thanks to @liamdawe for reporting.
- Fixed newline after [quote] being stripped.
– Thanks to @liamdawe for reporting.
- Fixed IE bug loading initially loading shorthand colors.
– Thanks to @Olive140 for reporting.
- Added bbcodeTrim option.
- Fixed bug with stripWhiteSpace and saved ranges causing a space after the caret to be removed.
- Added spellcheck option to disable the browsers built in spellchecker.
- Added ability to remove block level elements by placing the cursor at the start of them and
–ressing backspace.
- Added Greek translation.
– Thanks to Nikos Aggelis for translating.
- Improved insert and pasting to scroll to after the inserted/pasted content.
- Fixed bug with emoticons sometimes getting converted in code blocks.
- Added Hungarian translation
– Thanks to Ángyán László for translating.